A special, powerful, personal experience at Foothill Galleries on view by appointment until January 3, 2023
Read these reviews:
“Art and Activism conjoin in photography of Amanda King” by Regennia Williams, PhD
“Amanda D. King, Locusts at Foothill Galleries” by Michael Gill
From Amanda:
I hope you have time to reflect and hold space for yourself and others. After my grandfather died from COVID-19 in 2021, creating space for grief and memory became a central focus of my artistic practice. Photographing him over the years was an essential part of our relationship that I deeply cherished. His gentle and endearing essence shined through the camera. Since his passing, I've mourned his loss with images, namely, the photographs I captured of his end-of-life transition.
From December 8-18, I will share an installation of these images titled Locusts at Foothill Galleries. Drawing aside the veil of the COVID-19 pandemic, I present these challenging photographs as an act of remembrance. Locusts explores grief, memory, history, and shrouding through my lens as a granddaughter, witness, and artist. In sharing, I intend to wrap loss with traces of life before and the hope of the afterlife.
Select images from this exhibition are available for purchase in limited editions from the gallery. Please contact michael@foothillgalleries.com if interested.