Equivocance: A Gulf Below Us 45” x 30” archival pigment print mounted to Dibond © Michael Weil, 2020
Equivocance: Polytropos, Fear, and Clouds
Michael Weil’s new series on view throughout July 2020 at District Gallery in Cleveland’s Van Aken District
Scout and chase yellow and blue and answers hidden in weightless abstraction, contours of cumulus clouds, in mysteries at the offing. We race along with all deliberate speed ignorant of nature’s and the mechanic’s laws yet feeling suspended in the lowest level up there, the troposphere, the Globe theater of weather, where performance is a matter of friction. Stop to stare and we drop like Icarus of melted wax and singed wings. Stay seated above the birds, all fear, and song of songs in our collective 21st century odyssey; to everything, tropos, tropos, tropos. ~ We are good at twisting, turning, varying the tale avoiding the truth in this game of hide and hide. To the cloud we bury memory-- bits and pieces of what we think we saw we said we wrote and saved. We release our humors, our toxicity. Can the clouds (can art) clarify the comedies and tragedies of our performance down here? Can Stieglitz’s Lake George cloud "Equivalents" really teach us about life and the feeling he had about it? Are revelations present in O’Keeffe’s “Sky with Flat White Cloud”. Can Constable’s Cloud Studies hypnotize? I take my turn. The show must go on. If ever you fly again, take a window seat.
24 x 16 signed edition - $750
45 x 30 signed limited edition - $1400